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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

42 1955 Rare Variations - Grades vs colors

Thought we would take a look at the 1955 non Mantle tough variations and what colors they have been graded in. This data was collected off the PSA sets and by contacting the set owners to input their colors and any other graded examples of these 7 coins that they are in possession of.

We got a pretty good response to this questionnaire so thanks for the input guys/gals...

By the way last check this web page has gotten 67,000+ views...WOW

Feb 22nd  2019 - data update from readers: The following PSA 7s have been reported : Antonelli - pale grn, Guilliam narrow- navy, Jackson - navy, Jensen - navy, Snider black, Trucks - navy

So there have been ~ 193 of these 7 coins graded and we know the whereabouts of slightly greater than half of them. RED appears to be the hardest color to find these 7 coins in.

Hope this data is of some interest to you all ...

1 comment:

  1. I have a 1955 Jack "Jackie" Jenson coin that is between a yellow and orange color and it has misprint on back saying Boston Reb Sox... Do you know who or how I can go about getting info on it?
