As we close out 2017 I thought I would add a near complete glimpse of the Mantle colors from 1960. The 60 coins come both as translucent ( if you hold it up to the light you can see some light coming through) and what I call trans or transparent (when you hold it up to the light you can read the back of the coin)
This shows 13 different colors and is missing medium green and sfla blue (which I know exist and I am searching for) and bright orange which I have with a chip in the rim and never graded.
In addition 5 of the colors in trans. Remember my theory on trans coins is that they do not have filler in them. Filler is a cheaper material like sand that is blended with plastic to lower the cost. The cooling rate of the plastic may also be involved as to whether the resultant coin is transparent or opaque. Are these really variations? PSA thinks NOT, but then again they don't even recognize the different colors or the bust tilts.
I have never seen a trans red or royal blue....I have several trans red/oj and Dk green in 1960 but not Mantle.
Before the year ends I wanted to mention that one of our fellow Armour collectors, ChiSox Tony, who owns the #21 1959 set and the #7 1960 set took the initiative to contact Bud Daley and inquire whether he knew why his 1960 Armour coin is so rare. The letter and the response are shown below.
So it does not look like we will be getting any answers from Mr Daley and the scarcity remains a mystery !
SO until next year may I wish you
Great blog as usual, Phil. I see a typo in my letter though. My proof reader must have been on vacation that day.