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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

31. Key Mantle Coins from Auctionfvr

George R, aka Auctionfvr has passed along this photo of his favorite Mantle coins along with a challenge to other Armour Coins collectors to send in their photos so we can aall see what they have.
So I guess what we have here is an old mans game of "Show me yours and I'll show you mine " !

We have seen the silver L-R with a gold swirl before and crowned it "Cappo-de-tuti-cappo"
George adds a PSA 10 aqua  L-R and a navy PSA 9 L-R . Since PSA currently lists only (1) 10 and (1) 9 in the population friends we are looking at them.

In addition George is the proud owner of what we think is the only PSA 10 black MANTEL (inc) coin.

Congrats on some seriously great Mantle coins........

If we were playing cards this might be a royal flush....but I'm sure SFLAYank will be up for this challenge...............